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When is the best time of year to sell your Miami home?
For home owners in: Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, South Miami and Pinecrest.
Having extensively worked the single family markets for over a decade, I can firmly say that I have recognized trends and behaviors. This is honestly what separates a really good agent from a bad one. Knowing a market does not just mean knowing what houses are truly worth, it means reading the trends and behaviors to be able to make useful predictions, to help your clients act at the right time; not just for buying, but for selling too!
So with this in mind, and given we are a dominant player in the ‘listing side’ of the business – yes, we are well regarded as ‘expert listing agents‘ rather than just being ‘buyers agents‘, we wanted to share with our readers some very useful advice on when to list your home.
This specifically is for home owners in the single family home markets that are focused around the best private schools: Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, South Miami and Pinecrest.
When is the best time of year to sell your Miami home?
Every year we deal with many relocations and every year in March the dominant private schools of: Ransom, Carrollton, St Stephens (Coconut Grove) Gulliver, Palmer Trinity, (Pinecrest) St Thomas, St Philips, St Teresa, Riviera (Coral Gables) announce the next batch of kids accepted to the school.
As soon as this happens parents sitting on the fence waiting are suddenly pushed into overdrive and go on the house hunt, full boar with all guns blazing. They are either moving or upgrading from existing homes and they want to be settled before the summer holidays start and everyone goes away until the end of August. That gives them from March to July to get a place.
Given the 45-60 day closing cycle for a transaction, a home needs to be in contract between March and May. This is why every year I see the highest level of business in March.
Don’t believe me? Well, look at the table below that shows the peak transactions per year across these markets. We took all these neighborhoods separately and overlaid them year on year for the last 5 years.

These are the most commonly asked Google Real Estate Related questions
1. What are the Current Best New Condos in Miami?
If you want to hear in more details our opinions on the best new Miami new construction condos. Please read this article:Best New Construction Condos 2022-2023.
2. What is the best New Construction Condo in Fort Lauderdale?
In our opinion, the Residences at Pier Sixty-six are certainly the most interesting and unique. Already well underway this 32 Acre project will be home to the first of its kind Marina where owners will be able to anchor up vessels up to a staggering 400 ft! For specifics of this project see our independent review of this project.
3. How can I compare the new luxury construction Condos to the best existing Luxury Condos in Miami?
Our Best Luxury Condos in Miami article will prove to be very useful to those looking to compare the existing to the new. You may also want to watch this video which shows the performance of the best Condos in Miami over the last 15 years!
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